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Join the Resilience Retreat

Calm in the Time of Coronavirus


A free online retreat to help us build individual and community resilience during this stressful time.


Bonus! Resilience Resources for Parents & Kids led by Tim Culbert, MD.  
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The Resilience Retreat consists of eight sessions to help you build resilience.

Each session includes a video talk, meditation, and extra resources to help you build resilience. You can move through the sessions and resources at your own pace.


Session 1: The Illusion of Separation

Session 2: Resilient Sleep

Session 3: Resilient Diet & Movement

Session 4: The Nature of the Mind

Session 5: Being with Difficult Emotions

Session 6: Grief & Resilience

Session 7: Emotional Storms

Session 8: Heartfulness & Hope
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How to Participate

  1. Join the Retreat!
  2. Check your email forĀ confirmation and access to the program.Ā 
  3. Move through the program at your own pace. You'll get full access with no time limit.Ā 
  4. Remember, you can always access this Retreat and your other NMH programs in your Library.
  5. Hang out with us on YouTubeĀ for extra support.
  6. If you need a more tailored experience to support your mood, visit the Depression and Anxiety Coping Skills Podcourse. You canĀ move through that program with this one!
Join the Retreat
Please Note: This program is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're in a crisis, call the NAMI helpline 800-950-6264 or text NAMI to 741741. Visit NAMI for more >>>

We Are Resilient.