Take the Resilience Quiz

141. The Truth Behind Your Thoughts And How to Calm Your Mind (encore)

As you may know, we're still adventuring through The Roots of Resilience (laid out in one of Dr. Emmons book, The Chemistry of Calm). In this episode, we're working on our fourth root, "Calming the Mind." We'll hit on some key insights and strategies that include: Realizing we're thinking and that many of our thoughts are false, embracing the skill of learned optimism, stepping into the role of our observing self, and how we can get more comfortable venturing into our inner-world. And bonus: Head over to our NMH community for a Calm Mind Meditation to put this conversation into practice: https://www.naturalmentalhealth.com/community-sign-up 


Watch this episode on YouTube.


Key moments:

00:00 Welcome to Joy Lab

00:46 Introducing the Elements of Joy: Hope and Resilience

01:00 A Personal Story: The Power of Our Thoughts

01:58 Challenging Our Beliefs: The Truth Behind Our Thoughts

03:04 The Internet as Our Collective Brain: Navigating Truth and Reality

06:53 Optimism vs. Pessimism: The Impact on Our Mental Health

09:21 The Power of the Observing Self: Gaining Freedom from Our Thoughts

14:57 Unplugging Negative Thoughts: Strategies for a Calm Mind

17:33 Joining the Joy Lab Community: A Call to Action

18:33 Closing Thoughts on Resilience: Wisdom from Alan Watts


Joy Lab and Natural Mental Health are community-supported. When you buy through the links below, we may earn a commission. That support helps keeps the Joy Lab podcast free for all!  

Sources and Notes:

  • Joy Lab Program: Take the next leap in your wellbeing journey with step-by-step practices to help you build and maintain the elements of joy in your life. Your Joy Lab membership also includes our NMH Community!
    • NMH Community: Access lots of extra resilience-boosting resources (like our Sleeping Well Workshop) AND you'll join a group of inspiring folks who play an integral role in keeping this podcast going... which means powerful resources stay accessible to everyone. 
  • Free Resilience Quiz and free Mini-CourseBased on decades of clinical experience, we've created a model of resilience that is both helpful and practical. True to our approach at Natural Mental Health, we start with strengths. You'll identify these strengths in your Resilience Type. Your Resilience Type highlights your unique strengths, what fuels your joy, what keeps you in balance, and the lifestyle practices that most nourish you. After you find your Resilience Type, sign up for your free mini-course to receive tailored lifestyle practices (e.g., foods to eat more of, ideal forms of exercise, supplements, and mindfulness activities) that can support your mood, resilience, and overall wellbeing.
  • Chemistry of Calm (Dr. Emmons' book referenced in this series)
  • Learned Optimism (Seligman book)
  • Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind (this is the study of people shocking themselves out of boredom)
  • Where to shop:
    • Our partner store at Fullscript: This is where you can find high-quality supplements and wellness products. Except for our CBD Gummies, any product links mentioned in the show notes below will require an accountSign up for your free Fullscript account here: https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/nmh/store-start
    • Resilient Remedies: This is where you can find our line of trusted, high-quality CBD gummies: https://www.resilientremedies.com/
  • Subscribe to our Newsletter: Join us over at NaturalMentalHealth.com for exclusive emails, updates, and additional strategies.
  • Check out our favorite resilience-boosting reads: https://bookshop.org/shop/NMHreads



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