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34. Meditation with Music: Heart-Opening Meditation

In this episode, we're building on what we've discussed in our last few episodes on Gratitude. After a short intro from Aimee, you'll find the Heart-Opening Meditation from Henry. It's a powerful practice to tune into your internal biofeedback tools (your superpower of interception) and to create more space to see-accept-choose with all the good stuff that is around you.

p.s. If you're not sure what "see-accept-choose" refers to, be sure to listen to episodes 30, 31, and 32. It's a powerful system to calm your stress response, come back to your most balanced state, and move forward in ways that nourish you more. 


Watch this episode on YouTube.


Key Takeaways:

  • You have a built-in biofeedback system that can help you notice and open up to let in more of the good. 
  • Like working with any system or tool, you need to practice. Use this meditation to hone your skills so you can notice sensations in your body more quickly and with better discernment and so you can feel more grounded, more open, and filled with more gratitude.


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