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81. The Subtypes of Depression and Anxiety (Depression and Anxiety Coping Skills Podcourse)

Are you tired of not finding answers that resonate with your unique experience of depression, anxiety, or stress? In this episode, we're breaking down the traditional barriers of understanding depression and anxiety and introducing you to an innovative approach – the three subtypes. Determining where you tend to fall with these subtypes can help you gain a more empowering perspective of depression and anxiety while also helping you tailor your mental health journey.


Watch this episode on YouTube.


Here are some notes about the subtypes:

  • Anxious Mood: This subtype is likely the most common, mainly because it is closely linked to stress. Dr. Emmons discussed how anxiety, sleep disturbances, and feelings of insufficiency play a role in this pattern.
  • Agitated Mood: This subtype might have flown under the radar for some, but it's crucial to recognize, especially when considering medications. Dr. Emmons noted the edginess, irritability, and restlessness that can characterize this pattern.
  • Sluggish Mood: If you've ever felt like you're stuck in a cycle of inactivity, sadness, and a lack of motivation, this subtype might be familiar. Dr. Emmons also discussed how this pattern can be linked to stress and seasonal changes.

In the next section of more "body-focused" lessons, we'll talk about lifestyle medicine and self-care practices that can make a real difference in your mood and overall wellbeing.


Links and Sources:

  • This episode is part of our Podcourse! To get the most of the course, you may want to follow along in order, beginning with episode #78 and you can visit the Podourse Page to find all the episodes. However, these episodes can be listened to in any order and you can take action with any strategy that you feel connected to. 
  • Resilient Community: Access lots of extra resilience-boosting resources AND you'll join a group of inspiring folks who play an integral role in keeping this podcast going... which means powerful resources (like this course) stay accessible to everyone.  
  • Joy Lab Program: Take the next leap in your wellbeing journey with step-by-step practices to help you build and maintain the elements of joy in your life.
  • Subscribe to our Newsletter: Join us over at NaturalMentalHealth.com for exclusive emails, updates, and additional strategies.