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87. Moving Out of Depression and Anxiety (Depression and Anxiety Coping Skills Podcourse)

What if there was a treatment that was nearly always helpful for depression and anxiety, had few to no side effects, and was accessible to everybody? You'd want that, right? Well, that magical treatment is called exercise. but let's reframe it as "movement." In this episode, Dr. Emmons explains the profound impact of movement on your wellbeing and how you can bring it back into your natural daily rhythm if it's missing.


Watch this episode on YouTube.


Key things we'll cover in this episode:

  • Discover the research-backed benefits of incorporating more movement into your daily routine, especially if you're dealing with depression or low mood. 

  • Learn about the "Resilient Movement Plan" and how to create your own ideal movement routine. Dr. Emmons discusses the different subtypes of depression and offers tailored exercises to fit your specific needs, whether you're anxious, agitated, or feeling sluggish.

  • Explore the concept of mindful movement and how you can tap into your mind-body connection through movement. 


Links and Sources:

  • This episode is part of our Podcourse! To get the most of the course, you may want to follow along in order, beginning with episode #78 and you can visit the Podcourse Page to find all the episodes. However, these episodes can be listened to in any order and you can take action with any strategy that you feel connected to. 
  • Downloadable movement plans. If you want a more structured plan, these free plans are focused on movement for good mental health and overall wellbeing. Just scroll down a bit on the page to find the downloads. 
  • Helpful articles at our blog to help you move in ways that nourish you
  • Resilient Community: Access lots of extra resilience-boosting resources (like our Sleeping Well Workshop) AND you'll join a group of inspiring folks who play an integral role in keeping this podcast going... which means powerful resources (like this podcourse) stay accessible to everyone.  
  • Joy Lab Program: Take the next leap in your wellbeing journey with step-by-step practices to help you build and maintain the elements of joy in your life.
  • Subscribe to our Newsletter: Join us over at NaturalMentalHealth.com for exclusive emails, updates, and additional strategies.
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    • Resilient Remedies: This is where you can find our line of trusted, high-quality CBD gummies: https://www.resilientremedies.com
  • Check out our favorite resilience-boosting reads: https://bookshop.org/shop/NMHreads