Take the Resilience Quiz

89. Supplements & Vitamins for Managing Anxiety & Depression (Depression & Anxiety Podcourse)

Have you wondered if supplements or vitamins might help with managing anxiety and depression? There's some good science to say that a few key supplements can offer some much needed support. In this episode, we explore five foundational supplements that we really like to not only support mental health, but overall wellbeing. And no need to take notes, find all the supplements referenced in the show notes. And you can help support the Joy Lab podcast by purchasing through our links. You'll even receive a special discount on our favorite supplements at our Fullscript store. Every purchase helps keep this show ad-free and accessible for all.


Watch this episode on YouTube.


Supplements Noted:

Additional Sources:

  • This episode is part of our Podcourse! To get the most of the course, you may want to follow along in order, beginning with episode #78 and you can visit the Podcourse Page to find all the episodes. However, these episodes can be listened to in any order and you can take action with any strategy that you feel connected to. 
  • Resilience Quiz and free Mini-CourseBased on decades of clinical experience, we've created a model of resilience that is both helpful and practical. True to our approach at Natural Mental Health, we start with strengths. You'll identify these strengths in your Resilience Type. Your Resilience Type highlights your unique strengths, what fuels your joy, what keeps you in balance, and the lifestyle practices that most nourish you. After you find your Resilience Type, sign up for your free mini-course to receive tailored lifestyle practices (e.g., foods to eat more of, ideal forms of exercise, supplements, and mindfulness activities) that can support your mood, resilience, and overall wellbeing.
  • Resilient Community: Access lots of extra resilience-boosting resources (like our Sleeping Well Workshop) AND you'll join a group of inspiring folks who play an integral role in keeping this podcast going... which means powerful resources (like this podcourse) stay accessible to everyone.  
  • Joy Lab Program: Take the next leap in your wellbeing journey with step-by-step practices to help you build and maintain the elements of joy in your life.
  • Subscribe to our Newsletter: Join us over at NaturalMentalHealth.com for exclusive emails, updates, and additional strategies.
  • Check out our favorite resilience-boosting reads: https://bookshop.org/shop/NMHreads


Please remember that this content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice and is not a replacement for advice and treatment from a medical professional. Please consult your doctor or other qualified health professional before beginning any diet change, supplement, or lifestyle program.

Please see our terms for more information.