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Resilience Training and Our Roots of Resilience Series

Apr 17, 2024

Here's the truth: We are resilient. Even when we can't feel it. As breathing creatures, it's just part of our wiring.

Of course, this natural quality doesn't dismiss the struggles and stress that might seem overwhelming. It also doesn't dismiss the very active nature of resilience. We must practice skills and self-care to recover, sustain, and enhance our resilience. That's where we put a lot of our focus here at Natural Mental Health.

If you're ready to learn more about resilience, then begin with our Roots of Resilience series. The series explores foundational aspects of building resilience and tapping into your joy. We organize those basic aspects into our seven Roots of Resilience. 

When you're ready to take meaningful action to build your resilience, join us in our NMH Community. You'll find resilience and joy-boosting resources to guide and support you. 


Tired All the Time? Meet The Three Energy Thieves

May 29, 2024

Resilient Mental Health: Consider Brain Chemistry

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Resilience Training and Our Roots of Resilience Series

Apr 17, 2024


Discover your Resilience Type with the Resilience Quiz

After completing the quiz, you can get your free tailored mini-course, full of integrative practices and supplement ideas to help you reclaim your most resilient self.

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This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice and is not a replacement for advice and treatment from a medical professional. Consult your doctor or other qualified health professional before beginning any diet change, supplement, or lifestyle program. See our terms for more information.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call the NAMI HelpLine: 1-800-950-6264 available Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., ET. OR text "HelpLine" to 62640 or email NAMI at [email protected]. Visit NAMI for more. You can also call or text SAMHSA at 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.