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Text reads: Sleep & Our Genetic Function. The image shows a striped pillow case, a baby blue alarm clock, and slippers.

Sleep and Our Genetic Function

sleep Jan 13, 2022

Getting too little sleep several nights in a row can do more than make you tired. Results from a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that too little sleep disrupts hundreds of genes that are associated with poor health and the development of disease. Surprisingly, a relatively modest difference in sleep duration can cause such disruption.

Healthy volunteers between 23 and 31 years were used in the study. Initially, the subjects were allowed only six hours of sleep each night. Then they spent 10 hours sleeping each night for a week. At the end of each week, they were kept awake for a day and night, or around 39 to 41 hours. During the 10-hour nights, volunteers slept around 8.5 hours. When limited to six hours a night, an average of 5.70 hours of sleep was achieved.

People who slept less than six hours a night for a week showed substantial changes in the activity of genes that govern the immune system, metabolism, sleep and wake cycles, and the body's response to stress.

The time spent asleep had a profound effect on the activity of genes. Among the sleep deprived, the activity of 444 genes was suppressed, while 267 genes were more active than in those who slept longer.

Results showed that people who slept for 8.5 hours a night had around 1,855 genes whose activity rose and fell normally over a 24-hour cycle. But in the sleep deprived, nearly 400 of the genes stopped cycling completely.

The data from the study highlights the interrelationship between sleep and negative health outcomes.



Möller-Levet C.S. et.al. 2013. Effects of insufficient sleep on circadian rhythmicity and expression amplitude of the human blood transcriptome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (12) E1132-E114.



Sleep Support CBD Supplements at Resilient Remedies

Sleep CBD is a blend of broad-spectrum CBD (30 mg per serving) combined with 5 mg of CBN (cannabinol) and 3 mg of melatonin. CBN is a form of phytocannabinoid shown to be more specifically helpful for sleep, and melatonin is nature’s internal timekeeper, helping set a more consistent bedtime. CBD Sleep may improve a variety of challenging sleep issues, and is especially helpful for those who have trouble falling asleep.*


*Note: Some of the supplements discussed in this article can cause side effects, but many people tolerate them much better than prescription medications. They are generally considered safe, however, they should not be started without your doctor’s knowledge and supervision. If you are taking medication already, be sure to talk with your doctor before adding any of these items. If you are considering going off medication, remember never to stop your medication suddenly—always consult with your doctor about how to safely taper off any psychiatric medication. See terms.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice and is not a replacement for advice and treatment from a medical professional. Consult your doctor or other qualified health professional before beginning any diet change, supplement, or lifestyle program. See our terms for more information.

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