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A Meditation on Tolerance and Compassion. | Hands holding a rock-shaped heart

A Meditation on Tolerance and Compassion

mindfulness Dec 03, 2019
By Tim Culbert, MD


Meditation on Tolerance and Compassion

Find a comfortable seat or lay down. Take a few slow breaths, then simply repeat each statement below three times.

If possible, begin by writing each statement below on a piece of paper. Then, use your paper to guide you through the meditation (rather than looking at a potentially distracting screen). 

  1. I choose to be balanced, happy, and live my life with tolerance and compassion. (repeat 3 times)
  2. I will take the time to notice my arousal level in mind and body when I'm with others. (repeat 3 times)
  3. Even in difficult situations, I intend to sail along with appreciation, inner-ease, and patience. (repeat 3 times)
  4. I will release unwanted feelings of frustration, anger, and resentment as needed. (repeat 3 times) 
  5. I am grateful to everyone for the lessons they teach me. (repeat 3 times)




The Window of Tolerance

The "Window of Tolerance" is the optimal zone of arousal where a person is able to thrive in everyday life. This zone has been described by Drs. Dan Siegel and Pat Ogden as “sailing within a river of wellbeing where we are able to respond to all that comes our way with equanimity-without being thrown off course". Learn more about the window of tolerance here.

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